So its been while since ive updated...
I actually got my AWE Boost gauge last week, but i was waiting for my Neuspeed intake to install it all at once.
I pretty much had my AWE gauge installed in my car, but not hooked up for a week. It was almost painful to have to stare at a non-functioning gauge
I also recieved my Forge Diverter Valve yesterday, but im gonna wait a while before installing it, since i dont need it yet. (No chip)
So today i woke up, and found my Neuspeed intake sitting at my front door... in a beat up box. It prob got lost or something, thats why it took almost almost 2 full weeks to get it from NY...
Anyways, luckily, the intake was fine...
I got to installing it right away... I pretty much worked on my car from 2:30-7 straight today... i didnt even stop to eat....
First I installed my AWE Boost gauge.... it wasnt too bad... the worst part was just taking off the engine cover.. (which is why i wanted to install the intake and boost gauge at the same time)

The thing works like a charm... and looks amazing too... it matches so well with the OEM gauges... its just a lil brighter, which is fine.

Then I got to work on the Neuspeed intake...
It was ok, removing the fitting from the turbo was a huge bitch though, because the space was so cramped... it took me probably 45 mintutes to do that part... after that, it was easy...
The build is great on the intake...
Its just too bad i dont get to use the Engine cover anymore, the engine is UGGGLYYYY!
I need to find a way to cover it back up...

Anyways, removing my EIP intake was a pain too... i had to re-remove my battery which i had already removed and reinstalled for my boost gauge...
and then i had to go through the wheel well lining to get the filter out.
First impressions on the intake is... WOW!!!
Its a lot louder than my EIP.... i can seriously hear the turbo spooling now... and the engine roars.... But all this is pretty much expected... the Neuspeed breathes a lot freer than the EIP... the trade-off is losing the engine cover.
Finally, my 99cent mod... i got at the dollar store!!
Lol, i like it because it goes with my "yellow" theme... (Yellow DRL and fogs)
Either way, if i dont like it, i can always just remove it....
But it stays for now.

Finally, after all that, I washed my car.... finally.
After probably 2 months... funny thing is, the car wasnt even THAT dirty, compared to how dirty a black car would get after 2 months.
BTW, sorry the pics are so horrible... my freaking 3.2MP K810i got stolen
So im back to the W800i and its 2.0MP
Edit: Oh yeah, after i installed everything and started up the car, i got a ESP error, Brake error, and power steering error...
Freaked me out.. but after driving it for a minute, they went away... I guess because i unhooked the battery, the electronics needed to reset